In This Article

The Layman’s Guide to Certified True Copies in Hong Kong

Byron Chan
February 18, 2024
2 min read

In This Article

Key Takeaways

A certified true copy is a copy of a document that has been verified to be a true copy of the original, used to substitute the original for making sensitive transactions.

Certified true copies are usually valid for a 3-6 month period from creation, depending on the requesting party.

A certified true copy only counts when it has been verified, stamped, and signed by a practicing professional such as an accountant or lawyer, etc.

A certified true copy only verifies that it is an accurate copy of the original document, but cannot verify the original’s authenticity.


Are you a new business owner looking to open a bank account or lease commercial space and have been asked to present a certified true copy of your business registration? In this article we’ll cover your questions surrounding these vital documents. 

What is a certified true copy?

A certified true copy, also known as a notarised copy, is a copy of a document that has been certified by a practicing CPA, a practicing lawyer, or a practicing notary public. A certified true copy does not expire, but usually, parties requesting a certified true copy will request that the document was certified within a 3-6 month period. Common documents that are requested include:


  • ID or passport
  • Address proof (Ex. Utility bill statements, bank statements)
  • Business Registration Certificate
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Articles of Association
  • Annual Returns (Form NAR1)


It is important to note that a certified true copy only certifies a document is a true copy of the original, but cannot verify the authenticity of the original document, ie. if the original document was stolen or forged.

What is the format of a certified true copy?

Different institutions and jurisdictions will have slightly different requirements for the format of the certified true copy depending on the procedure, so be sure to confirm the information they need to qualify your certified true copy. In general though, most certified true copies will have the following information in the form of a stamp and signature to identify the certifier:

  • Statement of certification (Ex. “I hereby certify that this is a true and complete copy of the original” or “Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me”)
  • Signature of the certifier
  • Full name of the certifier
  • Position of the certifier
  • Practicing license number of the certifier
  • Certification Date
  • Address of the certifier’s practice

Why do I need a certified true copy of my documents?

To perform critical proceedings to your business, institutions will often ask for certified true copies of certain documents as proof that your business is legitimate and that you are its owner, as they cannot keep your original documents. Certified true copies are often requested for the following actions and others:

  • Opening a corporate bank account with a Hong Kong bank
  • Applying for a business license / registering a business in Hong Kong
  • Registering shareholders and directors
  • Making real estate transactions
  • Legal procedures
  • Government-related procedures

Where can I get a certified true copy of my documents?

Because of the legal authority carried by a certified true copy, only suitable professionals are permitted to make and verify certified true copies. The following are good places to start looking to obtain a certified true copy in Hong Kong:


  • A practicing Certified Public Accountants (CPA) registered with the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA)
  • A practicing solicitors registered with the Hong Kong Law Society
  • A practicing Notary Public with the Hong Kong Society of Notaries
  • A court officer in Hong Kong
  • A practicing professional company secretary in Hong Kong
  • A consular officer (can be from outside Hong Kong)


At Yau and Wong, we also provide certified true copies for free as part of our Company Setup package, or separately at $300 per document. Register your business today!

How do I apply for a certified true copy?

The certifier must verify that the copy of the document is a true copy of the original, so certified true copies must often be obtained in person. To apply for a certified true copy:

  1. Book an appointment with a practicing CPA or practicing lawyer
  2. Bring the original document to be copied
  3. The CPA or lawyer will photocopy the document and verify the copy in person with the appropriate information
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