Get a sense of your profits tax with our profits tax calculator, updated with the tax reduction cap for 2024.
Any number calculated with this tool is a rough approximation, and should not be used as an official reference.
If you’d like to get a more precise calculation, we would be happy to help!
NET Profit & Loss Value for the year | |
Profits Tax for 2nd Company | |
Non-Tax Deductibles | |
Loss of value over time. Found on the Profit or Loss Statement. | |
Losses suffered from investments and other assets. | |
Ex. Traffic fines, Late fines. | |
Tax Deductibles | |
Income received from dividends. | |
Income received from bank interest. | |
Gains from investments and other assets. (May only apply to larger companies) | |
Expenses spent on computer hardware and software. | |
Profits gained from selling off fixed assets. | |
Government subsidies and grants, ex. TVP | |
Gains made from favorable exchange rates in bank balances. | |
Tax Reduction Cap | |