Get a sense of your profits tax with our profits tax calculator, updated with the tax reduction cap for 2024.

Any number calculated with this tool is a rough approximation, and should not be used as an official reference.

If you’d like to get a more precise calculation, we would be happy to help!

NET Profit & Loss Value for the year
Profits Tax for 2nd Company
Non-Tax Deductibles
Loss of value over time. Found on the Profit or Loss Statement.
Losses suffered from investments and other assets.
Ex. Traffic fines, Late fines.
Tax Deductibles
Income received from dividends.
Income received from bank interest.
Gains from investments and other assets. (May only apply to larger companies)
Expenses spent on computer hardware and software.
Profits gained from selling off fixed assets.
Government subsidies and grants, ex. TVP
Gains made from favorable exchange rates in bank balances.
Tax Reduction Cap
Profits Tax

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